Conscious Inclusion
How to ‘do’ EDI one decision at a time. Because unless you're consciously including people, you're almost certainly unconsciously excluding people.
The ‘how to’ book of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Rather than top-down change initiatives involving huge teams, Catherine advocates for combining skill and will to guide people in their everyday thinking. Then developing reporting to create social accountability and track departmental progress.
When every voice is heard, every person is empowered and everybody takes action, the outcomes are extraordinary.
Discover 99 decisions and 5 simple habits for creating more inclusive organisations, inside and out.
What’s inside?
Read it cover to cover, or flick to the part that’s most relevant.
The book starts with a history of how we got here, and the traps to avoid.
Then most of the book is dedicated to the all important how. Covering; leadership, culture, policies, hiring, career progression, buildings, technology, business development, customer experience, supply chain and social impact.
The last chapter helps you decide what you’ll focus on for the next 12 months, and encourages you to find other changemakers to accelerate your progress.
Catherine encourages you to ruin the book, by making notes in the reflection sections, ticking off the things you’ve already done, and highlighting what you want to do next. But, if you can’t bring yourself to do that, you can download the workbook and make notes there.
Inclusion by design
The book is available in print, ebook and audio to provide for different learning styles and needs. And if you go for the audiobook, you’ll hear Catherine’s voice narrating it. The button below will take you to Amazon, but the book is available on all platforms.

Praise for Conscious Inclusion